Get to know the Band: Bluejay
Guest post: Bluejay
Enthralled by the potential for chaos in pop music, Bluejay lives in a house hidden from public view. There, they chisel at their tropical screamo systems-funk and live a life both monstrous and sophisticated.
By day an architect, an engineer and an art dealer, Brad, Matt and Zach forge a new archetype for New York ’s changing social world: upwardly mobile concept punks charging each atom of their lives with creativity. Guided by Paul Newman, Dan Flavin and the Red Sox, they plant a slime garden of good will.
They subsume a myriad of wild ideas into a towering pillar of harmony as they seek to answer the ultimate question: What happens not after but before we die?
With their forthcoming first full-length Bluejay hopes to bring the music industry to a close in early 2011.
Image from Bluejay