Viva Chile: Thursday, September 30th at Public Assembly in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Eric Lindley: Oh, Light

June 29, 2010 Posted by Viva Chile

One of the exciting things about creating Viva Chile -- this journey I've immersed myself in -- is the discovery of great talent; one such talent being Eric Lindley (aka Careful),  a musician from Orange County, CA.  I'm terrible at describing music, but if I were to make the attempt, I'd say his music is quiet and somber, but oddly uplifting and soothing. It makes you feel as if all were ok right at this moment... he must be the missing artist on the Garden State soundtrack.

His new album, Oh, Light, is out now and available for download and preorder.  Enjoy, and be prepared to be chilled the f*** out.  You can thank me later...And a big thank you to DJ Keili from WFMU for turning me on to his music!

UPDATE: Check out the New York Times review of his latest album.